A current widespread choice for a privacy hedge is a single row of ficus (Ficus benjamina or Ficus nitida). These are non-native species with destructive roots that are susceptible to all kinds of persistent pests.
Instead, why not try a “new-look” privacy hedge: a creative, native thicket that features colorful, durable, low-water looks—and serves as a biodiversity magnet?
Try planting one— or all three— for maximum, year-round blooms!
Lemonade Berry (Rhus integrifolia)

Sugar Bush (Rhus ovata)

‘Louis Edmunds’ Manzanita (Archostaphylus bakeri)

The new-look privacy hedge can increase property values by regulating local temperatures:
Trees & Vegetation To Reduce Heat Islands
Why Garden with CA Native Plants
In addition, the positive environmental impacts will be significant: reduced water usage, chemical sprays, and biological dead zones in favor of drought-tolerant, pest-free, pollinator magnets.
All of these choices require little-to-no summer water, once established, and are fire-retardant.